
Image resizer allows you to resize all sorts of images really fast, using amazing sharp library.

Resizing an image

The resizeImage function expects configuration object with image (buffer), width, hegiht and quality (optional).

import {ImageResizer} from 'node-mariner'

try {
  const file = fs.readFileSync( ... ) // read to Buffer
  const resizedBuffer = ImageResizer.resizeImage({
    image: file,
    width: 500,
    height: 400,
    quality: 95, // optional (defaults to 90),
    sharpen: { // optional sharpening applied to image
      sigma: 1.0,
      flat: 1.0,
      jagged: 1.0,
    fit: 'inside', // 'inside' | 'outside' | 'cover' (crop)
  // save the resizedBuffer, or upload it
} catch(e) {
  // handle resize error

resizeImage Configuration

All keys are mandatory unless stated differently.

Reading Exif

Using ImageResizer module, you can also read exif from image files (if available). Generally ImageResizer.exif will return at least width and height. If exif is available, it will be provided too.

import {ImageResizer} from 'node-mariner'

try {
  const fileWExif = fs.readFileSync( ... ) // read to Buffer
  const exif = await ImageResizer.exif(fileWExif);
} catch (e) {
  // handle the error

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